Thursday, August 28, 2008


First of all, let me apologize for "slacking off" on my duty as the publisher of our family blog. Things were so crazy and hectic during the last month...nothing serious...just summer "stuff" going on, making sure the kids got to "play" as much as they could before they had to go back to school. But now they're all back in school, since this past Monday, so I should be back on track again...I hope, anyway.

It's nice having time to myself again, but I miss the kids greatly!! I enjoy having them home, and I truly enjoyed having them all home for the summer. This was our very first summer since all the kids have been in school, that we've actually had all the kids off at the same time. Yes!! No "tracks" for us anymore, they are all on the "traditional" schedule. I thought I wouldn't like it, but after this past summer vacation, it was real nice.

We didn't get to go to any fun parks or water parks like I wanted to, like Disneyland or Sea World, because Bryce and Joey had two week-long Scout camps already planned, but the kids did go swimming a lot at our friends house, the Herberts. Thank goodness!! We also were able to go to Nampa, Idaho during the first weekend in August to attend my niece's baptism. That was probably our family vacation for the summer, because we actually left this State. We had a real nice time up there with my brother, Kaiana, and his family who we don't get to see very often.

Now the kids are back in school, Bryce is still busy working, and I'm home alone. But it's nice! I'll be posting more pictures up, and sharing more in detail some of our summer events very soon. I'm just glad to be back on our blog to catch you up with our family's "life". Hope you continue to enjoy all the happenings!! Love you all!


Schroeder's in a NUT SHELL! said...

hummmmm...still waiting for more blogging from you....We had so much fun when we came down, it was way too short though....loved the puzzle

Schroeder's in a NUT SHELL! said...'s now September 18th and you haven't blogged ANYTHING!!! Where is you creative blogging!!! Want to hear from you and see your pictures!!

Schroeder's in a NUT SHELL! said...

I'm WAITINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG...can you say, "don't hold your breath?"