Tuesday, October 7, 2008

All I Want for Christmas...

Cheyenne lost two of her teeth in the last couple of weeks. I'm glad I got pictures of her before she lost her teeth. I knew she would lose her teeth because they were both loose. So here's pictures of her before she lost her teeth, then when she lost her first upper tooth, and then when she lost another bottom tooth. So far, she has lost four teeth. She doesn't seem to mind so much because the tooth fairy gives her a dollar coin for every tooth she loses. It's funny, though, because when she talks and says "s" words, it sounds like she's lisping, but she thinks it's cool 'cause she says she sounds like Vaughn. She just has to be careful because she has a bad habit of talking with food in her mouth, and sometimes her food will fly out from the space in her teeth.

1 comment:

Schroeder's in a NUT SHELL! said...

lol!!! What a cutie!! I can just see the food flying through the missing tooth holes!! Wow Cheyenne, a whole dollar coin???? You are lucky!!! I need to loose some teeth!!