Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Famous "Randy's Donuts"

On our way back from Anaheim, California this past Saturday, we just had to stop and get some donuts from the famous "Randy's Donuts" in Inglewood, California. Randy's Donuts has been featured on the food network channel as having some of the best donuts in the U.S. And then of course, they have the biggest donut sitting on their donut shop...you can't miss it. So, on Saturday, on our way back home from Disneyland, Bryce suggested we go to this donut place and get some donuts, but more especially to get a picture of this big huge donut. I had an idea where it was because I had been to it a couple of times while I was on my mission. Inglewood was not one of my areas that I served in but I did serve in the area next to it, called Hawthorne, but there were Elders in our district that served in Inglewood so we got a chance to enjoy some donuts from there, and we also passed by the place a couple of times. I remember it being in a not so safe area, but despite that fact, Bryce was determined to go there anyway. After driving through some scary neighborhoods (we decided to take the side streets instead of the freeway because the freeway was backed up due to some big event happening that day), and it took a while for us to drive, we finally reached Randy's Donut shop. Bryce and the kids were amazed at how huge the donut was on the building, so of course we had to get out and get pictures of it. I'm sure people could tell we were not from there, you know..."tourists", because who else gets out of there car to take pictures. Everyone else just drove through the drive-up to get their donuts. After taking pictures, we ordered a dozen or so donuts of whatever we wanted. That was the best part, and the donuts were delicious!! That's exactly how donuts should be...when you order a maple bar, it should be filled with custard. I hate when you order stuff thinking it's filled and it's not, but these donuts were filled and they were great! I'll tell you what...although it was scary driving through the neighborhoods to get there, it was SO worth it!! Anything we'd do for a donut...and some yummy ones, too!! I'd do it again!!

1 comment:

Schroeder's in a NUT SHELL! said...

YUMMY!!! I just started Weight Watchers .. AGAIN .. and now I want a donut...I am glad this place is far far away!! That helps with will power.