Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Sending Birthday Wishes...

Just wanted to wish my brother, Taylor, a HAPPY "42nd" BIRTHDAY today! Taylor is just a year older than me...hahahaha...that tells you how old I am, huh? Oh well. Anyway, he lives in Waipio, on the island of Oahu, with his wife Danielle and their daughter Teal. Taylor is a police officer for the Honolulu Police Department, has been for almost 11 years now. He's very good at his job. He works in Community Policing, I think he works a lot with the gangs. Danielle says he really enjoys it...probably because it's a "cruise" job for him. He also sings with a group called "A Touch Of Gold". They sing a lot of Motown songs, and he really enjoys that, also. They have done a lot of performances, both private and public, and they also perform to raise money for charity. If you ask me, their group wouldn't be what it is, if it wasn't for him. BRAGGING RIGHTS!! But he is a great singer and I'm always proud of him and all he does.
I just wish him a great day and hope he'll have many happy and safe birthdays ahead of him. Happy Birthday, Taylor!! We love and miss you!!
Check this out: (thanks Teal!!) http://www.imeem.com/people/AQ4cCV/music/YVUCuDgj/teals_dad_taylor_hoopii_ribbon_in_the_sky/
Song Title: ribbon in the sky
Album: A Touch of Gold
And check these out. These are links to Youtube of "A Touch of Gold"'s performances:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SPmYi92QBw (Taylor is the 2nd in from the right)

Monday, July 21, 2008

Happy to be Home!

Bryce & Joey returned home from scout camp last Saturday, and they were so excited to finally be on "home" soil. When asked what they were most excited about, being home, Bryce said having a nice shower...Joey said cooking and eating a frozen pizza, and sleeping in his own bed. They had a wonderful experience and said that the people at camp were very friendly, gracious, and welcoming. I'm glad about that. Nothing like going to a camp where everything's crummy...both people and place. Joey attended 3 classes: pottery, Indian lore, and archeology. Pottery was his favorite because he had fun crafting the pots and sculptures. He brought some things home that he made and I gotta say, they're pretty good. He had a lot of fun with that! Bryce was able to go to some classes, too, mainly for leaders but he also got to ride on the horses and do some BB gun shooting. They were able to attend Sacrament meeting on Sunday, which of course was quite different from normal, but it was a nice experience for all of them. They had couple of scout leaders from the camp that spoke, one of which is actually in the Stake Presidency in his stake, but he and his family usually spend time at the camp during the summer and take care of the classes and stuff. All in all, they had a nice time! Bryce is already talking about going on another scout camp next month, to the Grand Canyon. Gosh if you ask me, it seems like he really enjoys the camping stuff. His excuse to go on that one is so the boys can get their camping nights in, and I guess they also have to do a 1000 ft. vertical hike. I'm so worried about that...I told Bryce they all need to somehow prepare for it because I don't think the boys are physically ready to do that, let alone him. He's not as young as he thinks he is anymore. Well, I guess we'll cross that bridge when the time comes. For now, I'm just glad they're home again...safe and healthy!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

The Boys Are Coming Home!

I just talked to Bryce a little while ago and they're on their way home!! YAY!! I'm so excited, I can't wait!! It just seems like they've been gone for SOOOO long. He said they had a great time and a neat experience at camp but that he's ready to come home. I'll update you later, right now I have to get back to cleaning and getting the house ready for their return...especially making room for more dirty laundry.

More pictures with the Pope's

Here's more pictures of the Pope's. Don't they look great!

Our Visit with the Pope's

This past Thursday our friends, the Pope's, came to visit us. We had such a great time with them. Unfortunately, they only stayed for one night but we sure made that time worth it. I really wanted them to stay another day but they already had other plans. I'm just glad they took some time to fit us into their "vacation" plans.
They all looked great! Saia and Luisa are still the same. The kids are so big now. I couldn't believe how big they've grown, and they're such great kids. They were raised very well by their wonderful parents. I'm so proud of them. I remember when they were little. I watched them grow and to see them now, they're so beautiful! Tia is 23 yrs. old and single. She works for a realty company. AJ just returned from his mission about a month ago, in Minnesota (Spanish speaking). He's planning to go to Snow College in a couple of weeks and plans to play football. He's come to be a great man...so humble! He'll make a great husband for someone one day. Keni is working for Convergy's (I think thats how you spell it) and she's single but in a serious relationship. She can't make up her mind yet if she wants to get married or go on a mission. Likio is 17 yrs. old, and will be a junior this coming school year at Provo High School. He plans to play football...I'm sure it's required in that family, especially by his dad, since his dad is the head coach for the football team. When I asked him what position he plays, he said he was on the "D" line...yah, whatever that means. hahahaha I think it means "defensive" line, just a guess. Well, he's a big guy so I'm sure he's a good football player. And Mata, who wasn't able to come with them, is in Hawaii at BYU taking summer classes. I hear she's having a great time there. I wish we could've seen her. She's so fun and bubbly and I know the kids would've had so much fun with her. They remember her the most because she's so friendly and fun...still a kid at heart. Hopefully we'll get to see her sometime, but more so...I hope she can get together with the Moa's while she's in Hawaii. I know they'll be so excited to see her. Luisa is doing great! She's still working at Family First Credit Union, I think she's the President. hahaha She might as well be, she's been there so long. She's also the Stake Young Women's President in their Tongan stake. I know she's doing a great job because she's been in the Young Womens program forever. Either that or she's not doing something right. hahaha I know that's not the case. She's great and I love her! Saia is doing great also. He still teaches the "BD" (behavior disorder) kids at Provo High School. I can tell he's a great teacher, especially for those kids...he's so patient and very loving. He's also the head coach for the Provo High School varsity football team. In his ward, he's a counselor in the Sunday School Presidency. Luisa says he's the hall monitor. I'm sure he can get everyone in class with no problem. I'd be in class too, if I was in his ward. No....he's just a big teddy bear.
Anyway, they came over to our house and I gave them a tour. They really liked our house. I had them all gather around the computer so they could see pictures of my family in Hawaii. They were suprised to see my mom. They said she looked different but my dad looked the same. I think they were a little sad to see my mom in her frail condition. When I showed them pictures of the Moa's they were surprised at how big the kids have gotten. I think they were very excited to see pictures of them. I bet they miss the Moa kids. I'll tell you what...if the Pope and Moa kids got together, they would have the best time together...I can just imagine a great reunion. After hanging out and talking for a little bit at our house, we went to a seafood buffet dinner at Terrible's Casino. We had a nice dinner, and then we decided to go back to their hotel so the kids could swim. My kids had a ball swimming with AJ and Likio! It was neat to see them play so well. They swam until the pool had to close, which was about midnight. We went back to their room, the kids changed into their dry clothes, we took pictures, and then it was time for us to leave. I didn't want to leave, the kids didn't want to leave either. It's always a sad time when we have to say goodbye to people, especially special friends and family. We had the best time with the Pope's even though it was short, but I know we'll see them again. I hope they'll want to come again and stay longer. I even told their kids if they ever wanted to come down, without "mom and dad" they were welcome to. I think they just might take me up on that offer.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Pope's Are Coming!

I just found out today that our friends from Orem, Utah, Saia & Luisa Pope and their children, are coming to visit this Thursday, and I am SO excited!! I haven't seen them for two years so it'll be real nice for them to come. This is their first time visiting us since we've moved here from Utah. Unfortunately, Bryce and Joey won't be here because they're still at camp, and also their youngest daughter, Mata, won't be here because she is in Hawaii taking some summer classes at BYU-Hawaii. I'm still excited that we'll get to see their other kids, Tia, AJ, Keni, and Likio. I'm sure they're all so big now. Luisa says Likio is 17 yrs. old...and he's their youngest! I can't believe it!! I'm a little nervous because they want me to take them around to see the sights, but I don't even know my way around. Our usual "tour guide", Bryce, isn't here. He's usually the one who takes us around when we have friends in town, visiting us. I hope all will go well. I'll make sure to take pictures and post them, and tell you about our visit with them in a few days. SO EXCITED!!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Another Week Long Campout

This morning Bryce left with his Scouts to Payson, Arizona for another week long camp at Camp Geronimo. He and seven boys, including Joey, went on this campout. Bryce is the only leader from our ward that's going, and Bro. Bozant from the Valle Verde ward is going along with four boys from his ward. Sheldon Herbert is planning to go later on in the week, so that'll be nice for Bryce to have another adult to help him out with things. I'm so glad! But does it get any easier as the wife of a Scoutmaster and the mother of a scout to have them leave a few times each year for campouts? It's hard for me sometimes, all right, every time! It gets lonely! I can't stand it! Especially because Bryce doesn't get any reception on his cell phone, I can't talk to him anytime I want to. Gosh, this will be a long week for sure! I may just have Vaughn, Sierra, and Cheyenne sleep with me. NOT!! Anyway, I hope Bryce and Joey and the other boys have a great time. They always do!

The Boys' Play Day

I told you before that all the children would have a "play" day. So just as Cheyenne did, the boys did also. This past Thursday was Joey and Vaughn's turn. They had it on the same day because it just works out that their friends are brothers also. The Herbert's are in our ward and they have become such great friends. Carlton, who is the same age as Joey, and Pierce, who is the same age as Vaughn came over to play. They had a great time jumping on the trampoline and playing games on the XBox 360. Carlton and Pierce's younger brother, Reeve, who is the same age as Cheyenne, also came over so Cheyenne lucked out having another "play" day with Reeve. It's nice that they all get along. Too bad the Herbert's don't have a child the same age Sierra, but that doesn't stop her from playing with everyone, anyway. So she's not losing out on anything. She's still due for her "play" day and she hopes to have it some time next week. I'm just glad that the kids can have fun with their friends. I know they really enjoy it.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Cheyenne's Play Day

Yesterday was Cheyenne's "day" to play, which meant that she got to invite a friend over for a few hours to play and have fun. She invited her friend, Jue'l Davis, who was in her first grade class this last school year. Jue'l had only been in her class for half the year but they became great friends from the very beginning. When Cheyenne called Jue'l some time last week to invite her over, Jue'l wouldn't stop calling and asking how many days left until she'd come over. She was so excited to see Cheyenne again because they hadn't seen each other since school got out. I was getting real tired of the constant phone calls, but today the phone calls from Jue'l slowed down, thank goodness. I hope it stays like this for a little while, at least. All in all, they had a real nice time, and we ended their "play" day with lunch at McDonald's...a nice treat from dad. The other kids are already planning their "play" days. It'll be great for all of them as well, I'm sure.

Our New Toy

Recently, Bryce and his scouts had the opportunity to do a service project for a family in our ward. They just moved to Washington last week, and needed help moving and packing boxes into their moving truck so the scouts got to help with that. Well, the family had a trampoline that they weren't planning to take with them so they asked Bryce if he was interested in taking it. Of course, Bryce couldn't resist the offer so he and the kids went and got it from them on the Fourth of July and the next day they set it up in our back yard. Putting it together wasn't an easy task but it sure was worth it. The kids enjoy going out there and jumping on the trampoline, despite the 112 degree temperatures. They'll just turn the hose on and spray the trampoline or themselves to keep cool. These kids are fearless, nothing will stop them. I'm just glad we can use the backyard now. If it can't be putting a swimming pool in the backyard, having a trampoline is I guess the next best thing.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Just One of Our Great Investments

We finally bought a freezer!!! Hooray!!! We had it delivered yesterday and I didn't hesitate one bit to run to the store and buy things so we could fill up our new freezer. I can't wait to go through the papers and really SHOP to find great deals on meats and other frozen foods. I'll be cooking more dinners, I'm sure, but it's totally okay because I know it'll help us save more money in the long run, instead of going out to eat so much. We're all excited to have our freezer and I know we'll make great use of it!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Our Fourth of July Holiday

Our day started off really well, at least for some of us. Bryce, Joey, and some other scouts and leaders started their morning putting up flags in the neighborhood. I had an opportunity to go with them. I really wanted to just take pictures which I did, but I ended up driving Bryce, Joey, and Orlando around which made their job go a lot faster. Bryce was able to put up some flags while Joey and Orlando put up some. For them, they get to do it on a few holidays during the year, but for me it was my first time and I really enjoyed it. It gave me a real sense of patriotism for our country and especially our flag. It really is a beautiful flag. There were people out walking their dogs, or taking a walk and I would see them smile as they watched these young men in uniform respectfully put up our countries flag. I felt so proud of them! They also were able to sign up 5 new houses for flags to be put up in their yards. Other people weren't interested but they did donate some money to the troop. That's awesome! Another thing we did later on in the day was go swimming. Our friends were out of town for the week and they told us we could go swimming at their house anytime while they were gone so we took advantage of it and went. The water was very warm and it was just nice to have the pool all to ourselves. The weather was perfect for a swim and the sun wasn't directly over us so it was very comfortable...not overwhelmingly hot! We ended the night with a great dinner. Bryce barbequed some chicken and it was delicious! We had just a nice, quiet and relaxing holiday...just our family. I really enjoyed it!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Fun at the Waterpark

A friend of mine from church, Mary Herbert, told me about some parks around Henderson where kids can run and play in water sprinklers. In the summer time because it's so hot here, they have parks where water shoots out of the ground, kind of like sprinklers, so we decided to take our kids to one of them so the kids could run and play. At first when we got there the park was crowded because there was a group of kids there, probably from a day care or summer school, and our kids were hesitant to play. But as soon as this group of kids left, our kids went crazy. I felt bad for Joey and Mary's son Carlton who are both 13 years old, because I think they felt that maybe they were too old to be running around, but after a little while they got right in it and had fun. I think they all had fun! The only thing they complained about was that the water was cold. I thought it was pretty neat and I think the kids had fun for atleast an hour. Mary told me about another "water" park that's bigger and a little better, although it's farther away, but we might check it out anyway, some other time.