Saturday, July 12, 2008

The Boys' Play Day

I told you before that all the children would have a "play" day. So just as Cheyenne did, the boys did also. This past Thursday was Joey and Vaughn's turn. They had it on the same day because it just works out that their friends are brothers also. The Herbert's are in our ward and they have become such great friends. Carlton, who is the same age as Joey, and Pierce, who is the same age as Vaughn came over to play. They had a great time jumping on the trampoline and playing games on the XBox 360. Carlton and Pierce's younger brother, Reeve, who is the same age as Cheyenne, also came over so Cheyenne lucked out having another "play" day with Reeve. It's nice that they all get along. Too bad the Herbert's don't have a child the same age Sierra, but that doesn't stop her from playing with everyone, anyway. So she's not losing out on anything. She's still due for her "play" day and she hopes to have it some time next week. I'm just glad that the kids can have fun with their friends. I know they really enjoy it.

1 comment:

Staci said...

So I can't believe the boys look older then when I saw them last.