Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Pope's Are Coming!

I just found out today that our friends from Orem, Utah, Saia & Luisa Pope and their children, are coming to visit this Thursday, and I am SO excited!! I haven't seen them for two years so it'll be real nice for them to come. This is their first time visiting us since we've moved here from Utah. Unfortunately, Bryce and Joey won't be here because they're still at camp, and also their youngest daughter, Mata, won't be here because she is in Hawaii taking some summer classes at BYU-Hawaii. I'm still excited that we'll get to see their other kids, Tia, AJ, Keni, and Likio. I'm sure they're all so big now. Luisa says Likio is 17 yrs. old...and he's their youngest! I can't believe it!! I'm a little nervous because they want me to take them around to see the sights, but I don't even know my way around. Our usual "tour guide", Bryce, isn't here. He's usually the one who takes us around when we have friends in town, visiting us. I hope all will go well. I'll make sure to take pictures and post them, and tell you about our visit with them in a few days. SO EXCITED!!

1 comment:

Schroeder's in a NUT SHELL! said...

I am jealous! I wish it was the Schroeders coming!! They will have so much fun with you guys for sure.....Enjoy your visit